


The Final Stretch

Right so; Reading Week was last week - went and visited the dear parents. Destroyed my shins on the ice, skated, skied, drew not at all.

Image to the side is a more recent ink experiment/mess, astronaut thingamajig.

In art/school related news, my website is mostly programmed and should be operational soonish. Have about 7 thesis pieces done, so 3 more to do plus any re-dos.

And after the semester is over? No idea, don't ask.



The massive Mega-Crit of DOOM is again upon us. Here is the newest of what I've submitted to show.

Its about hive(pack) mind laughter. I can't tell you how much I despise canned laughter from an audience/crowd.

side note: Hyena in its root Greek translates to Pig.