

Modalu Love

Work in Progress: I love these Modalu bags more than is reasonable, and since one of them was renamed for Pippa Middleton Im working on a series of Cinderella themed posters, evil stepsisters to come...


Reliant Robin

For those who love the BBC's Top Gear. No episode can top the Reliant Robin Shuttle and while I've submitted this to Threadless for their NASA themed challenge, even if it doesn't get chosen there you can be I'll be printing one of my own.  (and YES it is supposed to be upside down)

(obviously neither the NASA nor the Top Gear logo belongs to me).

CLICK HERE: http://atrium.threadless.com/nasa/submission/reliant-robin/ to vote for this design!


Learn & Play

I feel like this is almost spamming now, I've been updating so often - but I'm really just messing around trying to get the hang of certain skills and really, any feedback would be cool.


For work, this is still just a rough mock-up. Presentation is probably tomorrow though so any critique or comments would be appreciated 


Thanks again

I'm really enjoying dribbble.com - so pleased I got an invite!

Love to Hate

Some experimentation with icon design as well as type for the city we (Canadians) all love to hate


A Film by J.O. Incandeza

 I've been reading Infinite Jest for quite a while now, and it is a brilliant book. The father character has quite the filmography in listed in the footnotes and I've been inspired to create some art in reference to his amusing body of work. I have a few in the works but I wanted to show a little. I've really been trying to build up some more non-illustrative work so this little project should really help.


Back to Poly

Great news! Our polyester is good to go as of this morning. We had a nice little field trip with all the bigwigs to the colour department and got what was pretty much the go-ahead.

I feel really good about this, we've got a very promising supplier and we've taken care of the double-print / ghosting issue. Everything looks awesome so we'll be starting some sample production.

More on this soon!


warm up

I've been a bit anxious and unable to get much done recently, but managed to set aside some of today to break apart that artist fear/block/what-have-you and I quite like what I've done so far.