

Making the best of it...

I certainly won't say its easy to make an apartment feel like home, but we're getting closer. 

I'm completely in love with my Pantone swatch pillows (and matching curtains) as well as our salvaged frames. The living room is doing rather well - the kitchen on the other hand has been a real struggle. So we've decided to paint the cabinet doors. The above photo is about halfway through the process but I'm feeling pretty optimistic. And brighter light-bulbs, I mean seriously - we should have taken care of that ages ago.


Hey! Since I can't really post anything work-related until the new products are released etc. I figured I'd give you a little taste of what else I've been doing. 

Some friends are getting married & I've offered to help them our with their invitations. They're still in a very preliminary stage but here is a sneak peek anyhow.