

Home Sweet Rental - White & Yellow

So just over a week ago, we assembled what was needed and braced ourselves for one of the larger apartment-therapy projects we've done so far; repainting the living-room.

Now, I wasn't totally on-the-ball here. I didn't take any "before" pictures, but I think you'll get the idea anyhow. When we moved in I saw quickly that I was fighting a losing battle on the paint colours chosen. We wound up with a yellow that looked an awful lot like traffic signs, school buses, or even a bit like McDonalds. And I hate yellow, I find it so very obnoxious. Even if NoFrills wasn't such a useless grocery store, I still wouldn't go in. Because yellow.

Anyhow, we weren't going to get rid of all the yellow, Kat decided she wanted to print up some stencils and leave an 'M' and a 'K' on two of the walls (she offered to include Pietro, but really a yellow 'p' ?)

We began with a basic primer (The Canadian Tire brand 'Gliden') which was a very blue-white. It looked like it was glowing, it vibrated so much near the yellow. But we managed to cover pretty much everything. The trim, the doors, the rads. We didn't bother with the ceiling, but the baseboards alone made a HUGE difference.

The primer ran out right around dinner time, and since the apartment was in no shape to prepare food or eat, we travelled down the street to a really nice pub called Stout we hadn't tried yet. It was fantastic! Lots of games lying around (Connect 4!) and very very yummy sweet potato fries.

But I'm getting off-topic.

Sunday morning we all rose bright and early, and fueled by coffee and chocolate croissants (thank you Kat) we ventured back to Canadian Tire to pick up our final colour. A white called 'Snuggle' which was a touch warmer so it wouldn't be so bright against the remaining white. 

Pietro did so much  work for us! Most of the roller-work actually, while Kat was outlining her stencils and I was going around and around painting baseboards, corners, and various edges he was hard at work covering the awful yellow.

And it all worked out very well! The stencils (for which Jessica Hische's 'Buttermilk' was chosen) look fantastic.

While at Canadian Tire we also picked up some new house plants, and some better garbage/recycling solutions which will sit under the sink, which is also a serious improvement. I am so thrilled with the final result, and it really wasn't as much work as I thought it would be. Although I really should have made this post last week when it was all fresh in my mind.