

Gallery Type things

I have got to get more diciplined about updating this. Not a whole lot has been going on it feels but in truth we've had a number of great shows at work. Have a few images from our Winter Group business.

Fantastic stuff, my favorites being sculptures by Bret Davis & some funky digital work by Boston artist Richard Bornemann - illustration in the gallery - awesome!

Show in the works also, date set for March 4th of the new year Automated Regrowth by Kat Verwho, Abe Nelson, and myself.

More on that to come, rest assured. Also looking for some full-time work in the web design area if anyone knows of some.


well would you look at that

So Ive been really slacking on the illustration front recently. Hopefully I'll be posting a few more things today but for the time being you get a sneak peak. Chances are I'll go back and rework these anyway, oh well.


Further progress

I dont have much time to talk about this unfortunatly but the short story is that these pictures are of a small scale model for a project I'll be working on between now and the end of the semester. Plan on using scraped car bits for detailing but at this scale (shes about 12-15inches now) that wasnt really feasable.


Just tossing up what I have done over the last little while;

personal paintings from my time exploring the scrap yards back home & the result of my first welding/sculpture project



I started twitter a few days back, and can be found at https://twitter.com/Mehet

Its a sort of love/hate facination at this point. I am both highly curious and deeply disturbed. Mostly cool with a hint of "oh shit the entire cast of Questionable Content has twitter"

On a seperate note after reading some Dresden Codac I may attempt to turn on of my comic ideas into more of an odd webcomicy thing. If I even remember to draw things.


ESL again

Found a few more pictures from that ESL fundraiser, good thing too. These are much better. Also on the wall is work from Jim Mezei, JJ Tebrake, and Heather Boulton-Lyons


Textual Updates

Well now
I've been trying to get myself back into an illustrationy headspace after dealing with my first summer with no school to follow (has made me very spacey) and I think I've about done it. I've made myself a nice big list of illustration ideas, editorial and conceptual alike that I'll have to burn though and then update the website again. My dear cousin owner of http://www.jpgninja.com/ has been helpin me expand my website building/maintenance knowledge (a saint for your patience, really). This means that someday in the near future I may have a website that was not built in photoshop - cool!
So, aside from that I'm looking for a more full-time job for the weekday hours. The gallery nice though it is could certainly be improved apon. Really wishing I had more marketable skills, but then I am taking Intro to Fabrication: Metal as of this Friday so if things work as I would like them too I could pick up welding or something macho like that.

I THINK that is about it for the time being, but I intend to write more with my visual updates as time goes on.



Ive had some spare time to draw finally so I figured I would post some more sketches. I plan on adding colour soon but for now I'll just post this.

Trying to beef up the newly added concept art section on my website ( www.mollymcc.com )
and pester some more video game companies.


ESL Event

Had a piece on display and sold at Leonardo Gallery not long ago; here are a few pictures. Unfortunately the only picture I have of my piece is awful quality because I am a fool and forgot to take a shot of it before it went in the show. Dang.


other stuff

Few things in the works I've decided to post because they are going rather slowly.

Web 2.0

The website has been totally revamped and should be refreshed to its shiney new state in a day or so.



Well damn;

I know I've been away for a while, had a lot to cover. I've now completed my stint at OCAD, moved into a lovely new apartment, and gotten myself a job to pay the bills. In the flurry of all this I have not been doing as much art as I would like HOWEVER, I will  have a painting on display at Leonardo Gallery during their upcoming Friends of St William ESL fundraiser, and I've been applying to various illustration type-jobs here and there. Not least of which is Blizzard Entertainment, just finished my application to their 2D art section which would find me on a plane to California pretty quick, the below image is one I cooked up to accompany my application for them, kudos if you know what this is.




Well can you believe it? The end is here. Enjoy the latest works.



Got a big itch to draw more animals, should probably get it outta my system. Anyway - Polar Bear is Screen-print and digital like the hyenas below and the leopard is mostly digi.



The page is designed, just needs final programming and a domain purchase. Sample page to the left.


Oh well oh well oh wella

Been listening to a LOT of Blitzen Trapper - I recommend it highly.

Also, turned my TV Bomber illustration into a sculpture for my papermaking class (see left)

Have sketches for my last few images too but I'm still not really impressed with how things going.


Oh Bother

I have not been able to get much of anything done in the last week, really, really need to sort that out. Hopefully by Wednesday I'll have something new to post.



The Final Stretch

Right so; Reading Week was last week - went and visited the dear parents. Destroyed my shins on the ice, skated, skied, drew not at all.

Image to the side is a more recent ink experiment/mess, astronaut thingamajig.

In art/school related news, my website is mostly programmed and should be operational soonish. Have about 7 thesis pieces done, so 3 more to do plus any re-dos.

And after the semester is over? No idea, don't ask.



The massive Mega-Crit of DOOM is again upon us. Here is the newest of what I've submitted to show.

Its about hive(pack) mind laughter. I can't tell you how much I despise canned laughter from an audience/crowd.

side note: Hyena in its root Greek translates to Pig.


Been messing about with environments. I have a bunch of thumbnails which all look pretty decent for their size. Next step I guess is to refine them, and also to learn to paint digitally. Its pretty fun though. Typically I loathe painting on the computer but I'm getting some sort of sick pleasure out of this so far.

New Thesis

Just don't ask me what number this is. I really need to get my ass in gear and crank out some good stuff. Think I'm getting the hang of it though. At least I hope so.