

Oh the humidity

Story of the week:

All this rain is not only making my hair unmanageable and frizzy - its destroying our printing also.
With Toronto getting 100% humidity for what at least feels like the last two weeks, our climate control of balancing AC, humidifiers and de-humidifiers is really struggling.

More than anything else the black ink in our prints is causing grief. While our room is mostly kept at a humidity that prevents the inks from bleeding out as they hit the fabric, the rest of the building is not so lucky. The lower levels, where the fabric is put through a chemical wash to make it light/colourfast is very damp and as a result we are getting a lot of rejected prints.

As of today I've cut out 5% of the proportions in the black, as per our colour guru - but we'll have to wait a day or so to see if that is enough to really fix the problem.

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