

Colour Management

I haven't written much on here lately, but as far as work is concerned things are going well (aside from the terrible terrible noise of the printers which is driving me mad).

We got a new set of dyes in recently. The last ones were had issues with sublimation, leaving a sort of ghosted wash of colour on the white areas of a design as the fabric was treated post-print. The new dyes are high energy and do not have this issue at all from what we have seen in our testing so far. Most of the colour profiling has been completed. Which is teaching the printer what kind of ink it is using, and which colours. Now comes the human element of colour management, and it should be pretty interesting.

Most printers as you know are CMYK, and ours start out that way but we then have 4 other colours. Our acid dyes its CMYK, and then Orange, Red, Blue, and Grey (or 'Light Black'). The dispersed dyes we replaced were also set up this way with subtle differences, but the new ones are CMYK, Green, Red, Violet, Light Black. So we're expecting an interested first round or so of testing.

The woman I've been working with to profile everything is very good at this sort of thing, and I'm no slouch either - but I'm looking forward to seeing how exactly we need to reevaluate our colour mixing abilities to match our Pantone book.


A is for:

Atom, Ariel Atom.

Well here it is folks, the beginning of my Alphabet of Cars. Which will have to be given a better title in the near future.


Mr Layton:

My mom asked me to do a simple orange poster for this quote.

Here you go Mom.


iphone 4 experiments

I saw a truly ugly university website from an American school and felt the need to toy around with this iphone 4 template from Teehan+Lax

Portfolio work

toying with possibilites. I think I prefer a sidebar navigation though.


Further web design

I haven't gotten any feedback re: my website design for work. It would appear there are too many other things going on. So I've been trying to learn more about html5, css3, etc and while that isn't going very quickly I create a new design that I'm going to try to get them to run with. 

The company colour is red so I'm pretty well stuck with that but I need to come up with something for the right-hand content section that isn't pink. The blue background I like but I haven't liked much of anything for the box on the right. Still, this is better than the last one. 



have tickets to this show, which is bound to be fantastic, sooo I decided to mess around with some poster design. Certainly not finished but I think I like where its headed. I also really need to collect some new textures for my work. As lovely as this one is I've used it too much recently.