

Further web design

I haven't gotten any feedback re: my website design for work. It would appear there are too many other things going on. So I've been trying to learn more about html5, css3, etc and while that isn't going very quickly I create a new design that I'm going to try to get them to run with. 

The company colour is red so I'm pretty well stuck with that but I need to come up with something for the right-hand content section that isn't pink. The blue background I like but I haven't liked much of anything for the box on the right. Still, this is better than the last one. 


  1. So, the menu color looks good, but if it were white type on red would be better. When designing for web consider your audience and the media they use. Usually higher contrast between type and background is better for readability. For the right hand content I'd stay away from the pink but just go with white. But here is my main suggestion. It would be better if you designed your layout completely in black and white and shades of grey without gradients and rounded corners and shadows or any other effect. Create your layout considering the type of information the website will contain. This will give you a good framework to build on and will help you prioritize elements. Also, depending on the amount of contrast in grayscale you will be able to decide what color to use later.

  2. Ok, just one more thing, I noticed that you did not include any text on the right hand side. Typography is really important in the design process. I'd put in filler text and decide on the size of it, line spacing and so on. With the text in your design would feel much more complete even without defined colors. Remember, the content is priority number one in your design, color is secondary. Ok, now I am done! I promise! Web design can be intimidating because it involves so many processes together but if you take it one step at the time it all builds up eventually. Good luck!
