

Zazen & the Truth on Enlightenment

Well; for anyone who is even reading this let alone has heard me talk about taking a course on Zen Buddhism this semester have I got a treat for you.

I have learned rather a lot about the magic of zazen recently. The most useful of which I believe is that enlightenment doesn't exist. Not in any way you think it does, any idea you have formed in your mind of what enlightenment is I can damn near guarantee is wrong. Despite this, the truth of it is pretty cool. I won't bother going on about it too much, but while zen is a very annoying thing to learn about it I recommend the book to the left and leave you with this:

"and it will be like nothing at all" 

-Brad Warner, pg 83 of Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies, and the truth about Reality.


So then, was feeling lazy and didn't scan the image to the left but it gives an idea of the Tinkerbell redesign (thanks dad).

In other news, OCAD is apparently not paying us until Dec 5th (Thanks Admins! I'm HUNGRY) you'd think the people who are in charge of paying art kids would have some concept of the starving artist yea? 

I'm supposed to have 4 pieces done for Wednesday which, assuming I can scrounge up some cash for more canson paper would be entirely doable. Aside from that the semester is rapidly coming to a close so I have a big ol' essay due on Zen next week and some fancy drawing/painting crits and then home for the holidays and a fabulous buy-nothing Christmas. (Wooo!)



Discovered a workable "style" for thesis, as much as I resent the stress this process put on me I think the result is pretty cool (see image).

Sketch scanned and converted to a halftone, printed on canson and painted with acrylic ink with some other tricks here and there. Re-dos for the Disney and the TV pieces are in the works and looking pretty hot, but I'm on my man's laptop and his scanner works a hell of a lot slower than mine so I can't be bothered to scan the W.I.P.s though I'll probably post them once they are at a stage I can call finished.

One major issue with this method however is money. Once my OCAD print account runs out I'm going to have some trouble, and canson isn't the cheapest thing available.


Oil Paint

So, turns out I need to re do a lot of my thesis work. Think I'm going to opt for oils this time around. Acrylic is just failing me, as is the sketch I posted last time. I've put up the new Lady Liberty composition as it stands now, its got some colours down I just need to keep working at it. Also, a sort of oil study of what was #2 - TV Bomber is now more along the lines of TV Paratroopers, which is cool. Tinkerbell may become the caterpiller from Alice in Wonderland as that is not a copyrighted image so much.


Remembrance Day

Had my birthday party on Saturday. Good times, headed out to the Brunswick House with some friends, had a good turn out. I started to lose track of who was where eventually though. The place was really packed. So thanks to anyone who appeared even if I didn't see you (oops!)

To the left is the sketch for thesis piece number 3. Im tired, haven't been sleeping well so its a all a bit 'meh'.


Goddamn the Mega-Crit

Holy hell.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was the first of at least two "mega-crits" for the illustration thesis class. This amounts to spending 5 hours (should have been only 4) in a cramped lecture hall designed for people of about 5'2" range and getting half-ass commentary on our work in progress. Two images per student, 100+ students . . . just agony.

Alternatively, its been a blur of a week. I can barely think of anything to say about it. Been working for the school a good amount. The Whodunit? mystery art sale is coming up fast so I've been assisting in the prep for that. Not a bad job really although QUITE mundane. It consists mostly of scanning and logging submissions for records and stuffing envelopes full of invitations for big shots to come donate lots of money to the school. Really the most annoying part of this was when I realized the school had printed seemingly random numbers of envelopes vs invites. The envelopes ran out LONG before the invitations did, so I've no notion of what they will be doing with the spares. I can only hope they are recycled rather than thrown out. I don't pay tuition so that school can make pretty litter.

Lastly, today is my birthday! Happy 21st to me.



I set this up originally for something else entirely but I'm going to reorient it to daily life/art stuff.

So, Here we are having finished off Halloween weekend, I went at Tinkerbell, photos later perhaps. Headed out to the Rocky Horror Picture Show - was DAMN cold. Although not as cold as I was expecting it to be so we survived. Had some interesting experiences on the subway with people taking pictures of our demon-costumed friend and helping her duck into the train cars etc. Had to spend Saturday recovering from the cold and general exhaustion. This was accomplished through a Deadwood marathon which is making me want to draw all sorts of western images (as in cowboys) as opposed to the western imagery my thesis is demanding of me (uncle sam!) blargh.

The image is a thesis preview, not 100% complete yet but getting there. I've really got to buy some more blender markers and paper for halftone. More later.