

Zazen & the Truth on Enlightenment

Well; for anyone who is even reading this let alone has heard me talk about taking a course on Zen Buddhism this semester have I got a treat for you.

I have learned rather a lot about the magic of zazen recently. The most useful of which I believe is that enlightenment doesn't exist. Not in any way you think it does, any idea you have formed in your mind of what enlightenment is I can damn near guarantee is wrong. Despite this, the truth of it is pretty cool. I won't bother going on about it too much, but while zen is a very annoying thing to learn about it I recommend the book to the left and leave you with this:

"and it will be like nothing at all" 

-Brad Warner, pg 83 of Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies, and the truth about Reality.

1 comment:

  1. i found this book at a thrift store recently for 25 cents...and if i bought three the fourth was free.

    i bought two for my ex husband and enjoi'ed my good fortune
