


I set this up originally for something else entirely but I'm going to reorient it to daily life/art stuff.

So, Here we are having finished off Halloween weekend, I went at Tinkerbell, photos later perhaps. Headed out to the Rocky Horror Picture Show - was DAMN cold. Although not as cold as I was expecting it to be so we survived. Had some interesting experiences on the subway with people taking pictures of our demon-costumed friend and helping her duck into the train cars etc. Had to spend Saturday recovering from the cold and general exhaustion. This was accomplished through a Deadwood marathon which is making me want to draw all sorts of western images (as in cowboys) as opposed to the western imagery my thesis is demanding of me (uncle sam!) blargh.

The image is a thesis preview, not 100% complete yet but getting there. I've really got to buy some more blender markers and paper for halftone. More later.

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